Lyle D

Alaska Is

Alaska is a series of homes and poems, it’s a place to learn about yourself and to grow into the person who you want to be rather than the person your parents want you to be. Alaska is about becoming more than you can be by escaping your parents and all of the influences of our small town. Alaska is more of a home to me than anything else. Alaska is staring at a million pine trees and loving every one as much as the last, its driving through the mountains and being continuously amazed at the terrific beauty. Alaska is a place to fall in love with and to mentally abscond to whenever the stresses of the world become too much, a speck of light to hide in on your darkest day, a place to reminisce about on your deathbed. Alaska is a place of beauty beyond the comprehension of the casual observer, beyond the ability of even the most seasoned photographer to capture fully. Alaska is a place of destruction, not physically, but instead it is a place that tears apart everything you are and were, it tears it to pieces and exposes ones very soul before reassembling you into something better, purer, something more human than you were before the transcendent operation. What Alaska is to me is beyond the ability of words to fully explain because of the muchness of it, it is a place yes, but to me it is even more, an idea, an emotion, a memory, a constantly shifting piece of the most intricately beautiful mosaic ever dreamed. Alaska is simply speaking the very fabric of my soul, the rock upon which I have built the rest of my Self, it is the base of all my strength and of everything that I am today. As with everybody who has taken this amazing and complex place to heart, as they should, there lies a piece of my very being here, a piece of my soul is in all of the soil, the rock, the water, the air, the very earth is laced with the tiny bit of my Self that has been left behind here.

Final Reflections

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