Samantha L

Alaska Is

Alaska is a land filled with sights you couldn’t imagine unless you came to see them yourself. Sparkling and bubbling rivers are the veins of this place, while the mountains are the spine. The evergreens and wildlife will set you at peace, while the soft sounds of nature serenade you to sleep. The calls of the birds speak to you and the fresh, clean breeze of air clears your mind. If you take just a moment to sit down and listen you will notice how your heart beats with the rhythm of the wind. With one deep breath you can take it all in. Alaska is life, Alaska is this.

Final Reflections

This experience of Alaska has been amazing.  Every part of this trip I learned something new and every day I did something I have never done.  I would have to say my favorite part of the trip was at Homer.  When I stayed there I was happier and felt at peace.  I do not know if it was the view or the animals, but something about that place just made everyone feel better.  This trip also gave me a taste of the real world and made everyone grow up a little.  Overall I am glad I came because it is a memory I will never forget.