Natalie Wilson Day 9


Day 9

Natalie Wilson

After the Midnight Sun Run yesterday, everyone needed their rest, so we got up at 10 AM. I had a breakfast of cereal and then I packed up my tent. My job was to roll on the tent after it was folded to remove the air inside of it. Stuffing the tent into the bag was easier this time than last time, since we got more of the air out.

After packing up, we headed out to the Solstice Festival. I bought a steamed chicken bun from an Asian stall, and a garlic pretzel and can of Coke from another stall. I didn’t buy anything other than food, but I looked around at the other stalls. I saw a clown and a scarecrow at one stall, and the scarecrow came over and took a selfie with me. I also saw a game section with carnival-style games like ring toss and bucking salmon, a salmon that would try to toss a small child off of its back.

When everyone was finished looking at the festival, we took off for Denali National Park. We are spending a few days there until we head to Palmer. When we arrived, we set up our tents in the same places as they were when we were in Denali a while ago. Then we had goulash for dinner, had committee meetings, and were free until it was time for bed. Thus ended a pretty lazy, but fun, day.


By: Natalie Wilson

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