Daily Report for June 22

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Location: Fairbanks
Latidutinal Coordinates: 64.86°N
Longitudinal Coordinates: 147.76°W
Altitude: 499 ft
Temperature: 68°F
Current Weather: Partly Cloudy


Location: Chena Lakes Recreational Area
Latidutinal Coordinates: 64.77°N
Longitudinal Coordinates: 147.23°W
Altitude: 266 ft
Temperature: 79.6°F
Current Weather: Mostly Sunny
Ph Level: 8
Phosphate Level: 2 ppm
Dissolved Oxygen Amount: 2 ppm
Nitrate Level: 1
Turbidity Test: clear


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Journalism Committee's Report (Hide)

Beach Day by Landrie L

Today we all got to sleep in this morning, which was great, since it was had been a long night at the Midnight Sun Baseball game. The original plan for the day was to visit the Museum of the North and then go to the North Pole for a beach party, but we soon realized that it was going to be a really hot and sunny day, so we scratched our plans of going to the museum, and headed straight fort he beach. When we arrived, there were already a ton of people there and everyone was a little afraid to go in the water because they thought that it would be too cold. But then the counselors convinced a group of people to go on a swim all the way across the lake. So everyone slowly got into the water, which was really cold, and started to swim. Around the halfway point, people started to get tired, but the people that were in the lead were really supportive of everyone, and cheered us on. We finally finished, and I think everyone underestimated how wide the lake actually was. The rest of the day was pretty fun and relaxing. Some people played volleyball, soccer, and Frisbee, and some people just took it easy on the beach, swimming and tanning. When we got back to the campsite that night most everyone was ready to go to bed and were excited about the 10K run the next day.

Untitled by Matthew C

          Today we woke up at nine-thirty and started getting around, it was pretty quiet because everybody was taking showers, including me. After the showers we had a healthy breakfast of cereal!!! After the meal and the showers Ishtar called a meeting about drama, aka, Ishtar told us again that we weren’t here to get married so why bother with having a girlfriend or boyfriend while we’re up here. After the talk, which was quite lengthy, we kind of just sat around and talked while using our limited phone usage. Some people sat or some people  played games.
            At around noon we packed up the vans and headed to the North Pole, and no not the Santa Clause “North Pole”, it’s a city where the lake we were going to was located. Initially we were supposed to go to a museum and then to the lake but we moved the museum visit tomorrow. When we first arrived at the lake we all ate a lunch of sandwiches and chips and peaches. After the meal people put their sunscreen on and prepared to have a day of fun in the sun.

          A group of ten or fifteen people swam all the way across the lake which is like 150 yards, I was among them. It was a really long way and it was hard to stay above water and move forward at the same time. In the middle most of the people had to take a break, and it’s hard to take a break in the middle of a lake. When we got to the other side we took a little break and then started to swim back. Some people walked but I didn’t because I really wanted to accomplish something!! When we got back everybody cheered and clapped and it was really fun!! After that everybody kind of dispersed and went and did their own thin like volleyball or other water games like chicken. Well  we had a pretty chill day so you’re really not missing out except for the part about being in ALASKA!!!!!!!!!! Ok, bye everybody!!!